Holiday Camp
Thank you to everyone that attended our holiday camp.
We are changing the holiday camps slightly, we are going to be running them from 10am-3pm instead of 10am-2pm, prices will remain unchanged, 1 day being £30 and whole week being £120.
Our next holiday camp will be running from Monday 27th May through til Friday 31st May.

We are happy to see many of you wearing our club T-shirts. If you don’t already have one you can speak to us when you come in for your class or send us an email at

We handed out badges just before we broke up for last term and everyone seemed happy to get their badge!
If you haven’t gotten yours because you weren’t there, don’t worry we will be handing out the remaining badges on the first few weeks back.
We recently purchased a few new things for the club:
- An Air Track and a Springboard from Gymnova.
Anima Club Championships
We will be running a competition mid way through the term. During this term we will focusing on routines for the competition. Entry is not compulsory but it would be nice to see as many faces there as possible!
The competition will be on Sunday 2nd June, timings will be released closer to the competition date once we have all the entries.
Competition entry will be £10, There will be a spectator fee of £2.50pp.
You can enter and buy tickets on your account through the events tab.
The closing date to enter is Sunday 19th May. We cannot accept any entries after this date.